
Visit of Delegation of Directorate of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh for Study tour of Polytechnic Colleges in Maharashtra.

In Study tour of Polytechnic Colleges in Maharashtra

1.Discussed on new trades according to demands such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning, Robotics and automation, DATA science, IOT, etc. 2. Curriculum implementation and teaching learning process. 3. Assessment norms and monitoring rules of Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education,Mumbai and grading system as Ranking of polytechnics. 4. National Board of Accreditation process. 5. Discussed on job oriented courses, involvement of industry and alumni. 6. Suggested various ways for creating healthy, educative and competitive environment in terms of academics. 7. Visited various laboratories and workshop. 8. Discussed on various aspects to increase intake of girl’s students. 9. Visited various facilities of campus such as Sport complex, Auditorium 10. Discussed on Facilities like Hostel, Canteen, Buses. 11. Industrial training and Placement of students with the Help of Hub & Spoke Model. 12. Visited solar power generation system available in campus, etc.

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